Cooling Towers

For various capacity requirements

Cooling Towers

The modular cooling tower system can be expanded and customised, and there are standard solutions available for various capacity requirements. This system is standardised to a great degree and has been adapted to a great number of customer wishes. Around 80 % is available as standard solutions, with the remaining 20 % implemented as customised engineering.
The modular cooling tower system can be expanded and customised, and there are standard solutions available for various capacity requirements. This system is standardised to a great degree and has been adapted to a great number of customer wishes. Around 80 % is available as standard solutions, with the remaining 20 % implemented as customised engineering.

A cooling tower is a heat exchanger that transfer ‘waste’ heat from a building, industrial process, or power plant by cooling water. 
It works by rejecting heat from the water circuit to the air through evaporation of water. Kelvion also offers a “short on-site assembly time”, with cooling capacities of up to 25MW per unit. These Polacel Frigate modules are more effective when a site has constrained assembly area. Thanks to the stackable modular design, they also offer short on-site assembly times, with cooling capacities of up to 25MW per unit. Our engineers provide customized modifications to meet your specific requirements. These cooling towers are mainly used on the roof of a data-centre and crypto industry. For larger cooling capacities, the field-erected cooling towers Polacel CMDI can be offered up to 100MW per unit. These cooling towers are mainly used larger manufacturing plants, power generation facilities, hydrogen and refineries.

Our product line is characterized by design and applied materials to have

proven thermal performance
optimum configuration in power consumption and noise emission
low maintenance requirements
and to meet hygienic requirements

Cooling Towers

A wide range of applications

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